The Admission Process at Northwoods Montessori

Age Guidelines

Toddler Community

Entry: As soon as your child can walk independently, usually from 12-16 months, up until 24 months
Exit: At around 30 months and usually before 36 months

Primary Program

Entry: As early as 2½ years to 4 years
Exit: 6 years to 7 years

Elementary Program

Entry: 6 years to 12 years
Exit: 12 years, or at the end of the Sixth Grade year, or at the end of six years in the Montessori Elementary

Extended Day Programs

Ages 12 months to 12 years of age (available for current students only)

Summer Program

Primary: Ages 3 to 7 years
(available for current students only)

Steps to Our Enrollment

Enrollment is easy at Northwoods Montessori.

1. Parents participate in a Campus Tour/Observation with the Director of School.
2. Parents complete an application form, with a non-refundable fee of $100.
3. The Director of School will invite parents to a New Parent Interview. This personal meeting is your chance to learn about our mission and philosophy and see how our programs enrich your family's educational journey.
4. Upon acceptance, parents will be sent an acceptance letter and enrollment forms.
5. Within ten days, parents submit enrollment forms along with registration and new-family fees.
6. A new-family orientation in Toddler or a new child visit with the teacher in Primary is scheduled close to the child’s first day in class.

Enrollment occurs throughout the year, as space is available, and as children are ready for school. Re-registration for the next school year occurs in January.


The question of cost always comes quickly to the mind of our prospective parents, which is only natural. So at Northwoods Montessori, we always try to include the component of value in our answer to that question. At Northwoods, we are neither the most expensive school, nor the least. But we really believe — as do decades of very satisfied parents — that no school in Atlanta — private, charter, or public — provides a greater educational value.

Tuition rates vary by program. Click the button below to get instant tuition rates for your child.

How Each Program Works

Toddler Community

Children are accepted for Toddler Community when they are walking securely and up until they are about three years old.

The process described below for Primary applies, with the exception that the Orientation visit is for the entire family and is termed the Family Orientation Visit. These take approximately one hour and are held during the last days before classes begin.

Toddler Community children are phased into the group according to a schedule set by parents and the Toddler Community Teacher during this Family Orientation visit.

Primary Program

Children are accepted for the Primary Program level between the ages of two and four. Children older than four may be considered for enrollment, especially when transferring from other Montessori schools, after an interview with a teacher.

First, interested parents visit the school. Thoughtful observation in a class allows them the best opportunity to see what children do in this environment. Questions often come to mind during this experience.

After observation, parents are given time to ask questions.

Then, an Application with a $100 non-refundable Application Fee activates the process of review and placement. An interview with the Director of Education is set to determine the mutual interest, suitability of the program for the family.

An Acceptance Letter is extended with Enrollment materials and there is a 10-day window in which to accept the space(s) offered.

After enrollment, a definite placement is made, depending upon space available and the need to balance the classes as to age, sex, etc. The teacher calls the family to arrange an orientation visit for the child(ren). The child is invited by the teacher to visit the classroom to see where drink, bathroom and other essentials are located and to learn about activities that can be chosen right away on the first day of class.

If placement is made in Spring for the following fall, the teacher will call and arrange the visit closer to the beginning of the year.

We generally enroll following the order of applications received, though siblings of Northwoods students receive priority.

Elementary Program

When enrolling students in the Elementary Program, priority is given first to those who have attended the Northwoods Montessori Primary program; and, secondly, to those who have attended other Montessori Primary programs. Students without Montessori preparation may be considered for enrollment according to available space and following an interview and assessment of whether our program is a good fit.